Environmental Policy

At LOTUS RISE HOTEL, we prioritize the protection of the environment and the planet. We understand our share of responsibility and are committed to supporting the creation of environmental awareness and its protection.

In this context, we implement an integrated Environmental Management System, according to the Green Key standard.

The company's actions are listed below:


The company informs customers about its environmental policy and objectives and encourages them to participate.

The Reception staff provides information on the company's current environmental actions.

The business informs customers about locally available public transport and alternative modes of travel.

There are visible signs for customers and staff, referring to energy conservation (room TVs, lights, heating-air conditioning, taps, showers, etc.)


1. The total water consumption is recorded at least once a month, during the operation period of the business.
2. Newly installed toilets do not consume more than (6) liters of water per use.
3. Technical staff and cleaning staff have a system of regular checks for leaks in taps and toilets.
4. The water flow in at least 75% of the total number of showers does not exceed nine (9) liters per minute.
5. The water flow in at least 75% of the total number of taps does not exceed eight (8) liters per minute
6. Urinals for general use have a water saving system
7. Dishwashers do not use more than 3.5 liters of water per basket.
8. Next to each dishwasher are instructions for saving water and energy when using it.
9. All waste water is treated in accordance with national & local regulations.
10. Dishwashers are for professional use and not common household appliances.
11. The cisterns are double flow three-six (3-6) liters.


1. In the rooms there is a leaflet encouraging customers to actively participate in the hotel's environmental policy by choosing to change sheets and towels on demand
2. Newly acquired chemical cleaning products for daily use have an international or national quality mark.
3. Disinfectants are used only when necessary and always in accordance with national hygiene legislation.
4. The company uses detergents for washing machines and dishes with a recognized eco-label of quality
5. To save water and chemicals, a microfiber cloth is used for cleaning.
6. The company avoids the use of perfume sprayers in washing and cleaning practices.


1. The company separates waste in accordance with national legislation.
2. Hazardous solid and liquid chemical wastes are safely transported to a specific reception facility.
3. There is a waste container in each bathroom.
4. Personal hygiene items such as shampoos, soaps, bath caps, etc. in the rooms are provided in individual packaging made of recyclable material.
5. Soaps and shampoos for guests have an internationally recognized eco-label of quality.


1. Energy consumption is recorded at least once a month.
2. Air conditioning and heating control systems are implemented according to seasonal conditions.
3. 100% of the bulbs are energy saving.
4. The grease filters in the ventilators are cleaned at regular intervals.
5. The heating-cooling exchange surfaces of the ventilation system are cleaned at least once a year.
6. The ventilation system is checked at least once a year and repaired when necessary so that it is continuously energy efficient.
7. The company ensures good thermal insulation capacity in refrigerators, freezers, warming rooms and ovens.
8. All frames have a high degree of thermal insulation capacity and an energy saving system according to national legislation and climatic conditions.
9. The ventilation systems are equipped with fans and motors of low energy consumption.
10. The business has installed systems to automatically cut off the power supply (eg access cards) when customers leave the room.
11. The hot water piping is thermally insulated.
12. Computers, printers and copiers go into energy saving mode or turn off automatically.


1. The water quality in the enterprise is of a satisfactory level, tap water is offered to guests in restaurants and meeting rooms.


1. The restaurant is non-smoking.
2. 100% of the rooms are non-smoking.


1. The company operates in accordance with international, national and local legislation and the internal policy of corporate social responsibility regarding the environment, health, safety and labor matters.
2. The business provides access for people with special needs.
3. The company treats the recruitment of women and local minorities equally, even in managerial positions and always excludes child labor.


1. Staff areas meet the same criteria conditions as customers.
2. Letterheads, brochures and other forms produced for the company, have ecological certification, are produced with recyclable materials.
3. The company takes initiatives to reduce the use of paper in offices, rooms and meeting rooms.


Our hotel has formulated a specific environmental policy, which is available to its guests at reception upon request. In order to harmonize the hotel's activity with its environmental policy, please follow the instructions below properly to help us achieve the reduction of our environmental footprint:


1. Recommended temperatures of the air conditioner, at 22c winter/summer
2. Please do not waste water unnecessarily 3. Please do not waste paper or flush it down the
toilet 4. In case you find a water leak, please contact the reception immediately. The unnecessary use of energy and water burdens the environment. Energy and water saving practices are included in the hotel's environmental policy.


1. Plastics, paper, glass and aluminum cans are disposed of in the blue recycling bin outside the hotel
2. Old batteries are disposed of at the special collection point at the reception
3. Burnt lamps are collected at the reception
4. Inert materials are collected and removed by agreement